Every few months we come across the same situation, a Database Administrator has spent a week writing a custom SQL Server script that would have been displayed in a real time dashboard had Detecta SQL Server monitoring tool been installed.
Understandably many of us want to show our skills and trust our own work, however it is often a wise choice to check the options before we leap into writing scripts.
Monitoring tools like Detecta are designed for speeding up tasks, especially when issues arise and added to this they complement the daily checks that a DBA, System Admininstrator has to make by automating the checking process and alerting only when your chosen specific thresholds are met, providing a more complete picture of the database environment in real time.
Understandably it is an obstacle not knowing what tools are out there, and searching through the costs is often quite complex, however trialling a tool like Detecta can quickly get you seeing what it can do for you, how it helps and how cost effective it is at the same time.
Detecta gives you all the convenience you wish for, and one will instantly (no pun intended) see troubled and safe situations that will potentially save weeks of script writing work, not considering the time required to use the script once deployed!.
With a free trial and training /demo to support navigation it couldn’t be quicker and easier.
So save time before custom scripts are written and check your SQL Server environment with a quick install of Detecta and contact us to support you.